
Direct Message is literally a direct message to all the people with the misconception of us minorities and the stereotypical perceptions and how people portray us. There's more to us ... And you know, people don’t really try to go in too deep into why we do this or why we do that. How we act. You know, why we act the way we act. Where we come from. People just go based off what they see when truly they really don’t know. And I just feel like Direct Message is a way for us to have our voice be heard.

They don’t want my people here that’s why they treat us unfair, police suppose to protect and serve but when it comes to us truly they don’t care.
They criminalize the blacks Frame us off statistics but are those truly the facts? They just know us by our color but it’s deeper than that. But society keep at it I don’t expect a change it’s just crazy how you say that we’re the ones to blame. -Finesse

Finesse says: